Innovative Approach to Animal Productivity

Feed Additives

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Is Low Immunity Affecting Your Aquaculture Profits? NUCLEOVIN Can Help

Aquaculture has rapidly expanded in the past few decades to meet the high-quality animal protein needs of the growing human population. According to FAO’s Fisheries and Aquaculture projections, 2022–2032, apparent consumption of aquatic animal foods is projected to reach 21.3

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  Livestock-producing farmers face the challenge of producing high-quality, healthy products to meet the growing demand for animal protein. They are dependent on animal feed for their animals to perform well and gain weight subsequently leading to increased demand for animal

Effective Coccidiosis Management in Poultry Challenges and the Role of BIOCOCCIN

Effective Coccidiosis Management in Poultry: Challenges and the Role of BIOCOCCIN

The poultry industry faces various health challenges, with diseases being a constant threat to flock growth and profitability. Infectious diseases like avian influenza, Newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis, coccidiosis, and salmonellosis as well as non-infectious issues like nutritional deficiencies and managemental

Productivity in Hyperprolific Sows with PROLIFISOW

Enhancing Productivity in Hyperprolific Sows with PROLIFISOW

Hyperprolific sows produce more piglets than they have functional teats, with modern sow lines usually having no more than 16. Hence, sows with more than 16 piglets per litter are known as hyperprolific. However, litters of 18–20 or more piglets

Poultry Red Mite The Hidden Menace in Poultry Farming

Poultry Red Mite: The Hidden Menace in Poultry Farming!

  Poultry farming is a rapidly expanding industry vital for meeting the food needs of a growing population. However, economic and production losses can significantly impact its sustainability and profitability. The poultry industry commonly faces economic losses due to the infestation

Enhancing Protein and Milk Yield through Amino Acid Optimization

Enhancing Protein and Milk Yield through Amino Acid Optimization

India is the largest producer of milk in the world, contributing 23% of global milk production. In three decades (the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s), the daily milk consumption in the country rose from a low of 107 grams per person in 1970 to 427 grams

The Role of Natural Feed Supplements in the Management of Swine Diarrhea

The Role of Natural Feed Supplements in the Management of Swine Diarrhea

Swine diarrhea, also referred to as pig diarrhea, is a common condition that can affect pigs at any stage of life, from piglets to adults. A healthy Gastro-Intestinal Tract (GIT) of pig performs various functions such as digestion, nutrient absorption,