For ruminant farmers seeking a solution to metabolic acidosis, ACICOR has a natural neutralizer and dietary buffers thereby enhancing nutrient absorption and also minimizing the chances for ruminal acidosis.
Mechanism of Action
Fiber digesting yeasts and acid utilizing bacteria in AciCor have a positive effect on rumen fermentation especially on feed digestibility and degradability and rumen microbiota. It enhances the cellulolysis and synthesis of microbial protein during digestion and stabilizes rumen pH and lactate levels. In addition, AciCor is able to enhance nutrient absorption and thus, minimizes the chances’ for ruminal acidosis.
Benefits of Acicor
– Neutralizes the acid content in the rumen
– Act as a buffering agent
– Maintain the rumen osmolarity
– Protect the ruminants from developing metabolic acidosis
– Improves growth and multiplication of ruminal microflora, thereby enhances fiber digestibility
– Restores rumeno-regular mobility, thereby enhances digestion
– Cow and Buffalo: 50 – 100 g per animal per day
– Sheep and Goat: 20 – 50 g per animal per day
Or as recommended by the Veterinarian
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