Vinayak Ingredients

Protein Optimizer For High Lean Growth

A scientifically formulated protein optimizer designed to enhance lean muscle growth in pigs, improve feed conversion ratio (FCR), and ensure high-quality pork for better market value.


The major concern faced by swine producers and farmers is making the best use of feed and its nutrients to produce high-quality lean meat. Pork producers around the world must efficiently produce the quality lean pork that consumers demand to remain competitive. Therefore, lean growth rate, lean efficiency, and total production cost per unit of lean meat are important traits for the future. ‘METALEAN’ is a protein optimizer for pigs that incorporates essential amino acids in swine diets, serving as a lean growth supplement for producers. It helps to enhance protein synthesis, promoting lean muscle growth while reducing fat deposition, which results in lard-free pork with an improved FCR (feed conversion ratio). It acts as a natural feed additive for lean pigs, containing the power of phytogenics and organic growth boosters, which serves as a replacement for lean and ractopamine HCL, ensuring natural as well as sustainable growth of pigs without compromising the quality. ‘METALEAN’ is a swine lean growth supplement that acts as a pork marbling enhancer to meet the demands of consumers for juicy pork.

Benefits of Metalean


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