Innovative Approach to Animal Productivity

Productivity in Hyperprolific Sows with PROLIFISOW

Enhancing Productivity in Hyperprolific Sows with PROLIFISOW

Hyperprolific sows produce more piglets than they have functional teats, with modern sow lines usually having no more than 16. Hence, sows with more than 16 piglets per litter are known as hyperprolific. However, litters of 18–20 or more piglets are increasingly observed in pig production. Though such an increase in sow prolificacy is desirable for breeders, it is worrying because it leads to higher milk production requirements, prolonged parturition, maximum energy requirement during farrowing, and optimum nutrient supply to each foetus. In herds of pigs free from specific diseases, the number of stillborn piglets per litter should not exceed 5–7 % of the total number born. The percentage of stillborn piglets is often much higher among hyperprolific sows, which causes substantial economic losses, premature culling, and deterioration of sow health.

What Hyperprolific Sows Require?

The size and weight of the litter during farrowing and weaning will be influenced by the diet of the sow during lactation and gestation, which will directly affect the health of piglets. Hence, an appropriate nutrient rich diet is important to support nutrient supply to each foetus, farrowing process, and the onset of lactation in sows. Piglets’ growth rate relies considerably on the quantity and quality of the milk production during the pre-weaning period.

It takes many factors such as genetics, nutrition, feeding frequency, environment, body condition, length of lactation, and water intake to maximize milk production in sows. Sows can achieve and maintain high levels of milk production throughout their productive life if given adequate energy and nutrients.


Benefits of Nutrients in Sows


PROLIFISOW is a scientifically blended combination of plant-derived bioactive compounds having gluconeogenic precursors, which provides glucose, a source of energy. Galactagogue properties of PROLIFISOW help to induce, maintain, and increase milk production in sows. It has added benefits that improve health, and growth, and increase production efficiency in sows. Dietary supplementation of PROLIFISOW leads to a greater number of weaned piglets per sow.

How does it work?

Gluconeogenic Precursors

  • Gluconeogenic precursors present in PROLIFISOW are important for maintaining blood glucose concentrations, which ensures continuous supply of glucose to energy-dependent tissues. It improves glucose transportation to each foetus of hyperprolific sow through umbilical cord. Also provides energy to the sows during farrowing, which helps reduce the farrowing time.

Galactagogue Properties

  • Plant-derived herbs having galactagogue (lactogenic) activity increases milk production in hyperprolific sows. It also improves protein and fat content in sow colostrum and milk.

Muscle Function and Farrowing Success

  • Maintaining the appropriate levels of nutrients in feed is crucial, as it plays a crucial role in regulating muscle contractility, including the myometrium, for smooth and efficient farrowing. It also reduces the number of stillbirths and shortens farrowing duration, especially in young sows.

Embryo Development and Placental Function

  • It supports embryo implantation and the proper functioning of the placenta, which ensures optimum growth and development of the piglets during gestation.


  • Increases milk yield
  • Enhances energy supply
  • Reduces the number of stillbirths
  • Improves milk quality
  • Enhances nutrient digestibility
  • Reduces farrowing time


“With PROLIFISOW, every piglet counts”



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