Empowering Poultry’s Respiratory Defence Mechanism Naturally
The intensive rearing practices of commercial poultry operations and the unique anatomical and physiological features of the respiratory tract of poultry species render them highly susceptible to respiratory infections with a broad range of microbial pathogens. The losses incurred by respiratory diseases in particular account for the majority of the economic burden associated with poultry production performance including reduced growth rate, less egg production, poor carcass quality, and low-quality meat, which is a significant threat to global health. Their high prevalence, wide range of mortality, as well as morbidities cause significant economic losses.
Common respiratory diseases in poultry-
- Chronic Respiratory Disease (CRD)
- Newcastle Disease (NCD)
- Infectious Bronchitis (IB)
- Avian Influenza (AI)
- Infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT)
Causative agents-
- Predisposing agents (dust, ammonia, etc) of an environment.
- Poor ventilation
- Heat stress
- Overcrowding
- Viral, bacterial, fungal, or mycoplasma infections.
Symptoms –
- Sneezing.
- Difficulty in breathing.
- Nasal exudate.
- Discharge from the eyes and nostrils.
Poultry’s Defence Mechanism
The trachea of avian lungs is covered with a mucous membrane that has a lining of ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium with mucus-secreting “goblet cells”. Poultry’s natural defence mechanism provides a protective role by trapping dust particles and other debris with the help of cilia before they reach the lungs and is further moved in the direction of the larynx from where it is expectorated, called a mucociliary escalator or swallowed.
During Upper and lower respiratory tract inflammations, inflammatory exudates contain mucin, inflammatory cells, cellular debris, and the deposition of fibrinous exudates. Fibrinous and mucoid debris become solid and dry on the discharge from the respiratory system. After it dries, birds experience a severe lack of oxygen in the blood; oxygen deprivation because of problems associated with expulsion of the substance through normal respiratory and coughing mechanisms.
- Sometimes natural defence system of poultry cannot effectively function, if it is saturated with too much dust, paralyzed by excess ammonia concentration, or destroyed by a viral infection, which causes excessive mucus secretion and blocks the airway in the trachea. It may cause the death of birds.
- Common solutions for such diseases are antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antibiotic drugs that can lead to antibiotic resistance, which has become a major cause of concern. In place of antimicrobials and antibiotics, plant extracts or essential oils are being examined for their ability to enhance poultry production, particularly for their ability to enhance the avian immune system, enabling them to naturally control infection. Plant photoactive compounds can be used as natural non-antibiotic growth promoters in chickens where resistance problems are inevitable.
How do Phytomolecules boost poultry’s respiratory system naturally?
The phytoactive compounds derived from essential oil are rich in phenolic compounds, which smooth tightened muscles, hence act as decongestants, and also stimulate the response of the respiratory system naturally. They not only thin out the mucus but also facilitate its removal from the airways. As a result, the airways are cleared, and breathing during inflammation becomes easier. Essential oils can also protect the integrity of respiratory cilia in the presence of pathogens such as Mycoplasma gallisepticum and respiratory viruses.
Exhibit following properties –
- Anti-microbial
- Anti-inflammatory
- Antioxidant
- Immunostimulant
- Mucolytic and Expectorant
A natural preparation of MucoFort helps respiratory cells by releasing mucolytic and fibrinolytic substances; it also enhances the secretion of more mucous from goblet cells to liquefy the thick mucoid material from the respiratory tract. Its decongesting properties provide instant relief. It is a natural tonic that replaces synthetic drugs and ensures the rapid recovery of poultry.
Phytoconstituents derived from Eucalyptus globulus, Mentha arvensis, Ocimum basilicum, etc of MucoFort® stimulate natural protective mechanisms of the respiratory system.
“Respiratory Relief for Poultry through Natural Care”
*References on request