Innovative Approach to Animal Productivity

Disease Management to Growth Optimization A Natural Approach to Improve Shrimp Productivity

From Disease Management to Growth Optimization: A Natural Approach to Improve Shrimp Productivity

Shrimp is one of the most commonly consumed seafood around the world. Considering the population growth, there is an increase in demand for shrimp-based food products and shrimp farming plays a crucial role in meeting them. According to the FAO report 2008, the world shrimp catch is about 3.4 million tonnes per year, with Asia as the most noteworthy area for shrimp farming. World production of shrimp, both captured and farmed, is about 6 million tonnes, out of which about 60% enter the world market. Traditional farming methods are improving recently and new extensive as well as semi-intensive farms are being established at a rapid pace.


The disease is a major limiting factor affecting the global production of cultivated shrimp. Intensive shrimp farming is commonly associated with disease outbreaks and is responsible for production loss due to either stunted growth in shrimp or mortality. Infectious diseases have affected shrimp farming industries drastically, and the majority of diseases are of bacterial and viral origin with few important diseases of protozoa and fungi. High stocking density can be considered as a major factor aiding the easy transmission of pathogens.

Shrimp diseases such as White feces syndrome (WFS), Hepatopancreatic microsporidiosis (HPM), vibriosis, and necrotizing hepatopancreatic (EMS/AHPND) impact shrimp farming to a greater extent.


Production and Economic Loss Due to Shrimp Disease in India


The hepatopancreas is an important organ for the absorption and storage of nutrients in shrimps. Hepatopancreatic microsporidiosis (HPM) is a common shrimp disease caused by Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei (EHP) which infects the hepatopancreatic cell. It is an intracellular microsporidian that replicates within the cytoplasm of the affected epithelial cells in the hepatopancreas.


EHP Host Cell Mechanism


Life cycle of EHP and routes of transmission

a diagram of a life cycle



EHP in combination with other enteric pathogens and environmental stressors can lead to White Faces Syndrome (WFS), which refers to the presence of a floating white fecal string in ponds rearing shrimp. The main clinical sign of EHP is growth retardation, which results in an increased variability in size. In a more advanced stage, EHP-infected shrimp typically display soft shells, lethargy, reduced FCR, and an empty gut.

The use of synthetic antibiotics in shrimp farming is banned in some countries due to the potential for harmful effects on human health and the environment. Hence, natural products can be considered as the suitable and effective alternative. Due to the diverse and rich sources of active compounds in plants, they are highly influenced to control various pathogens. Phyto compounds can be utilized to improve immunity and prevent disease propagation during shrimp farming.


HEHPAVAX is an aqua feed supplement that helps to protect hepatopancreas in shrimp by controlling EHP infection and white Feces Syndrome (WFS), and helps to prevent retarded growth in shrimp.

How HEHPAVAX works?

HEHPAVAX prevents the adhesion of the EHP spore wall to the epithelial cells of shrimp hepatopancreas. It helps to control infection by either killing spores outside the gut lumen or inhibiting polar tube extension by digesting polar tube components. It helps in the recovery of shrimp’s digestive system and improves gut health. It also helps to prevent white Feces Syndrome (WFS) in shrimps.



Mechanism of Action





If the amino acid profile is poorly correlated to the requirement of the shrimp, then it leads to lower retention of synthesized protein. HEHPAVAX acts as an amino acid optimizer in shrimps that optimizes the utilization of protein depending on the optimal dietary amino acid profile of a species for protein synthesis. It improves the retention of the synthesized protein from the feed leading to higher growth rates and low protein turnover.

HEHPAVAX is a natural supplement to increase shrimp count leading to the economic growth of the farmer.


“Maximize shrimp health and improve your farm’s productivity with HEHPAVAX”





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