For swine farmers searching for piglet milk replacer, Pigylac is a novel milk replacer that provides a novel nutritional balance for piglets in a juvenile state.
Mechanism of Action
PIGYLAC is a High-quality, baby pig milk replacer to supplement or completely replace sow’s milk and provide nutrition for young piglets. PIGYLAC provides a unique combination of milk proteins, minerals, organic trace minerals, and supplemental vitamins for optimum piglet performance and palatability. Milk and plasma protein for easy absorption from the baby pig’s immature digestive system. Milk energy and animal fat provide easily digested energy sources. May favourably impact the gut microbial population and can be used as a top-dress on sow pig rations to supply additional energy and protein.
Benefits of Pigylac
– In the first two weeks are farrowing, PIGYLAC ensures a good start for all piglets in the litter
– If the sow dies, PIGYLAC can replace sow milk at the end of the colostrum period
– If the sow has poor milk yield, PIGYLAC ensures equalization of the litter
– If used as a “weaning compound” for the first 2 weeks after weaning, it maintains the liquid supply of the piglets and facilitates the transition to dry feed
– It is also possible to mix 10-15% PIGYLAC into a farm-mixed compound. This ensures a piglet with a maximum content of digestible raw materials
– If used as top-dressing on top of purchased complete feed, a higher content of digestible raw materials is available. (To be dissolved in 45-55°C water and gets easily dissolved)
– First 2 weeks after farrowing – 75g PIGYLAC per litre water (45-55°C). This ensures a good start for all piglets in the litter
– If the sow dies – 150 g PIGYLAC per litre water (45-55°C), PIGYLAC can replace sow milk at the end of the colostrum period
– If the sow has poor milk yield or has too many piglets – 150 g PIGYLAC per litre water (45-55°C) ensures equalization of the litter
– If used as a “weaning compound” for the first 7-14 days after weaning – 100 g PIGYLAC per litre water (45-55°C) maintains the liquid supply of the piglets, facilitates the transition to dry.
– PIGYLAC at the 10-15% in farm-mixed compounds, ensures a compound with a high content of easily digestible raw materials
– If used as top-dressing with 5-10% on top of purchased complete feed for piglets, it provides a higher content of easily digestible raw materials
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