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CALMATROPE Logo - tail biting in pigs, solution for tail biting in pigs in India,

For swine farmers seeking products for managing aggressive behaviors in swine, CALMATROPE is a polyherbal formulation capable of reducing aggression and stress.

Mechanism of Action

CALMATROPE is a novel combination of synergic polyherbal formulations, serotonin precursors, muscle relaxants, and antioxidants exhibiting the following properties:

Polyherbal formulations – A synergic herb mixture of Valeriana wallichii, Nardostachys jatamansi, Bacopa monnieri, Centella Asiatica, and Withania somnifera. The active components of these medicinal herbs are known for their anxiolytic properties which can help curb the stress responses without impairing the feed intake and activity.

Tryptophan – It is necessary for the serotonin production in the brain which is associated with influencing aggression, pain sensitivity, temperature regulation, sexual behaviour, etc.

Magnesium – It is able to reduce the plasma corticosteroids and neuro-muscular stimulation which optimizes muscle function and minimizes nervous behaviour.

Vitamin E and C – Antioxidative properties

Benefits of Calmatrope

– Reduction in aggressive behavior and tail biting

– Lower incidence of skin, shoulder, and loin lesions

– Low carcass damage

– Safe and natural ingredients that comply with feed and farming regulations


– For Individual feeding: 0.1 g per kg body weight per day (0.1g / kg BW / day)

– For feed incorporation: 3 – 4 kg per tonne of feed OR As recommended by the veterinarian

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