The occurrence of broiler meat abnormalities is linked to the fast-growing rates of birds and their large breast muscles. Along with altered appearance, the muscles affected by these myopathies display impaired texture properties and reduced nutritional value. This has a negative impact on the nutritional and sensorial characteristics of chicken meat. For poultry farmers seeking tender chicken, TENDERO contains a combination of phytoactive compounds which correct muscle abnormalities or alleviate the severity of symptoms, improve texture and optimize amino acids. It is an effective dietary supplement for broiler production systems that provides chicken meat, free of these abnormalities like woody breast, white striping, and spaghetti meat.
Mechanism of Action
Since all these muscular abnormalities exhibit similar histological features, it is safely assumed that there is a common underlying mechanism responsible for their occurrence. Moreover, the chemical composition also displays differences like higher fat content and lower protein levels when compared to normal chicken meat.
The meat protein’s functionality is dependent on its amino acid composition, its three-dimensional structure, and the complex myofibrillar architecture in the muscles. As an amino acid optimizer, TENDERO triggers the biochemical processes for higher protein accretion and better protein composition that helps interact with the other biomolecules (lipids) and water to give better quality traits in muscles. This leads to lower severity of myopathies as a physiological response in the chickens.
Thus, to summarize in simple terms, TENDERO lowers the muscular (protein) degradation rate that leaves less space for fat deposition and fat mobilization in muscles.
Benefits of Tendero
– Improved weight gain
– Higher nutrional value
– Improves textural properties of meat (hardness, chewiness, springiness, crunchiness, etc.)
– Minimizes cooking loss
– Beer marinade uptake during processing
– Broiler Finisher Feeds: 2 kg per tonne of feed
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Improve weight gain in chicken Improve FCR in poultry Improved amino acid absorption in chicken Reduced catabolic stress in birds Reduced woody breast in chicken Tender chicken in poultry Manage woody breast in chicken Reduce muscle myopathies in broilers Herbal growth promoter for poultry Phyto-extracts for poultry growth Improve immunity and survivability in poultry Improve carcass parameters in poultry Organic chicken supplement Improve chicken quality Supplement for tender and juicy chicken Reduce woody breast and white striping white striped chicken breast chicken breast white stripes organic vitamins for chickens Chicken muscle abnormalities Solution for Woody breast in Poultry Organic supplements for Spaghetti meat White stripping in chicken Better marination uptake muscle myopathy treatment broiler chicken breast White striping and wooden breast myopathies in the poultry Increase margination uptake in chicken Juicy and tender chicken in poultry Improve water holding capacity in chicken Grow heavier chicken Improve sensory taste of chicken Organic feed supplement for poultry Natural growth enhancer for poultry Organic poultry farming Non antibiotic growth enhancer in poultry Growth support for broilers Treatment for muscle abnormalities in chicken Tender chicken breast meat Treat woody breast syndrome in chicken Prevent fibrous and tough chicken Prevent woody breast meat Improve dressing percent in chicken Prevent white strips and spaghetti meat in broilers Improve organoleptic characteristics in broiler chicken