Innovative Approach to Animal Productivity


Cryptosporidium parvum is a protozoan parasite that is now recognized as one of the most common causes of diarrhea in young calves. It is also one of the leading causes of large financial losses. Crypto-associated diarrhea is difficult to treat since it frequently fails to respond to standard antibiotic therapy. Calves that recover from scours are often more prone to other diseases, and calves that have had crypto have a slower growth rate, requiring more time to attain breeding targets and having lower lifetime performance. 

CryptoRid is a non-antibiotic animal feed supplement for calves having a blend of plant extracts with high concentrations of phenolic compounds such as tannins, flavonoids, isoflavones, and phenolic acid, boosting calf performance while controlling diarrhea. CryptoRid is designed to prevent the outbreak of bacterial scours along with preventing the lifecycle of cryptosporidium scours.


  • Prevents Cryptosporidium from completing its lifecycle
  • Reduces oocyst shedding
  • Boosts immunity in juvenile
  • Strengthens and protects the villous lining of the intestinal epithelium.
  • Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory properties to strengthen the defense system


For incorporating in Calf Milk Replacer (CMR) : Add 80 g Cryptorid in 1 kg of CMR.

(This reconstituted milk from Cryptorid fortified CMR can be given for 3-7 days depending on the severity and expected recovery @ 1 litre per calf or as per local calf rearing practices)

For prevention: 10 g per calf per day (through any drinking carrier) for 3 days 

Or as directed by veterinarian/consultant

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